No Day But Today

Thursday, August 02, 2007

My 2nd (favorite) City

Do you get it? The 2nd City... CHICAGO! (Britt waits tables there, AND it's my 2nd favorite city ever.) It's another reason that I love the Midwest. I also love Amtrak! I took the train to Chicago last week for $23 each way. You can't beat the price, and the ride offered me 11 total hours of uninterrupted Harry Potter time. (Ok, on the ride home there were 16 cheerleaders, but other than that..) This was my last opportunity to see Britt before she started her new RN job at Northwestern University Hospital. Of all the hospitals I've visited in America (which is considerable, really), Northwestern was the nicest! I am so excited for Britt Sanborn, RN to get in to this world of nursing! She'll be working post-partum, so she'll be a fundus expert. (Feel free to look that one up!) She's official! She's got the name badge and everything! Good luck!

John Hancock Tower. This picture goes out to Mike who loves structure and pictures of things taken straight up! We went to the top (The 'Signature' Lounge) and had delicious martinis.

Ferris Bueler or Britt Sanborn? You tell me!

Godiva Chocolate Martini; yes please.

Crossing the river is ALWAYS my favorite part of the city- especially at night!


It was the week of the Cards/Cubs series.. I had to represent.

After I came home from Chicago, I was fortunate enough to attend the wedding of my dear friend Colby. We are friends from Mizzou... and we date all the way back to his freshman year. That's pretty good history! He married a girl from STL, Erin, and she looked stunning. It was a great time to see old friends and drink good wine at the top of the 'Met'ropolitan building, downtown St. Louis. (GREAT view!). Pictured L-R: Laura Neff, myself, Adam Stevens. Laura is recently engaged to Wes, and I will be a bridesmaid at their wedding May 24, 2008! Congrats! Laura and Adam are both in medical school at Mizzou. Wish they had something going for them..
This is Wes (the fiancee), Laura, Colby (the GROOM!), and me. Poor Adam got cut out of this picture =( Congrats Colby and Erin Heckendorn.


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