No Day But Today

Thursday, August 23, 2007

St. Louis to Seattle

Hello again! It's been a while since I've posted, and now I am having difficulties getting pictures up on this website. I hope this finds you well!! Jill Cooper and I travelled across this great US of A August 7-10. We had wonderful hosts along the way, and we arrived safely here in Seattle after many great talks and laughs, and after completing 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' on CD. My mom had the opportunity to play with Mike and me in Seattle for the weekend, and then it was back to work for all of us on Monday the 13th. The job is going well (it's just part time for now).. most of you know that I won't be content in that for more than a couple of weeks! I actually won't be able to take classes with a tuition exempt status until I've been an employee 6 months. On to plan B. I'll let you know when I figure out what that is! The living situation is great! I moved in with Tana, a nurse practitioner from work. She's hilarious, and we live in a great neighborhood on the north-ish side of Seattle called Freemont. We are about 2.5 miles from the UW (pronounced U Dub)... the hospital/campus. The challenge of the day is getting my box springs up the stairs. The mattress delivery guys just gave up and left =) That's customer service. It is just wonderful to be back in Seattle with Mike; it's worth any logistical headache for sure. He's just awesome, and I have so much confidence in needing to be here for us. He turns the big 2-7 on Sunday, so we have a weekend full of events planned! I'll try to post pictures as soon as I can. Stay tuned..


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